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Category :
Shoes_women, Women
SKU : G10G-L607BP_1
Size: 5, Color: Pink
Price :
Rs 1507.00
Rs 1675.00
Saving: Rs 168.00
Quantity : 1
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Rs 1507.00
<div class="itemsHolder sfCol_25 tPl-15 tPr-15 Pt-15 Pr-15 Pb-15 Pl-15 tMb-15 msfCol_50 mMb-0 mPt-10 mPr-10 mPb-10 mPl-10 tsfCol_50"> <div class="items PosR ofH Dfx flxWrp tsfCol_100 msfCol_100 mMt-0 mMr-0 mMb-0 mMl-0 Mt-0 Mr-0 Mb-0 Ml-0 Pt-15 Pr-15 Pl-15 tMt-0 tMr-0 tMb-0 tMl-0 tPl-10 tPr-10 Pb-30 mPt-10 mPr-10 mPb-10 mPl-10" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: rgba(93, 93, 92, 0.184); border-radius: 6px; height: 100%; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13) 0px 0px 6px;" data-oldstate="none"> <span class="chkpayment Dn" style="color: rgb(31, 182, 255);"><i class="fa fa-check f-weight-500 txU tFs-2 mFs-2 Lh-25 Fs-20" style="color: rgb(49, 55, 143);"></i></span> <div class="shLayer" style="background-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.294);"></div> <div class="imgHolder Dfx flxWrp sfCol_100 tsfCol_100 msfCol_100 TxAl-c tTxAl-c"> <div class="imgWrp TxAl-c Pl-0 sfCol_38 Ml-0 Mt-20 tMl-0 tMt-30 msfCol_40 tsfCol_17"> <img style="width: 100%;" src="##img##" data-cimage="##CImg##"> </div> </div> <div class="sfCol_100 titWrp mTxAl-c msfCol_100 tsfCol_100"> <p class="payTit Dib tit Mb-5 tFs-16 tLh-16 tMb-10 tMt-15 mLh-17 mPt-0 mMt-10 mMb-5 mFs-14 Lh-24 Fs-20 Mt-5 ff-quicksand f-weight-500" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">##title##</p> </div> <div class="descWrp sfCol_100"> <p class="desc Dib Mt-0 tFs-14 tLh-18 mFs-10 mLh-13 Lh-18 Fs-12 ff-quicksand f-weight-500" style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119);">##desc##</p> </div> <div class="actBtnWrp sfCol_100 TxAl-c zi-9"> <span class="actBtn crdBtn btnUseThisPayMethod cPointer Dib tPt-5 tPb-5 tPl-10 tPr-10 mPr-10 mPl-10 Pl-15 Pr-15 txU Pb-5 tFs-14 Fs-13 Mt-15 Pt-5 Lh-18 tMt-10 tMb-25 mFs-13 mLh-18 mPt-5 mPb-5 mMt-10 mMb-10 ff-quicksand f-weight-500" style="background-color: rgb(49, 55, 143); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 5px;" data-id="##id##" data-payload="##payload##">Use This</span> </div> </div> </div>
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