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Buy shoes online from Goldstar Shoes. Goldstar Shoes are made in Nepal. Wear Nepali Shoes with pride and stay fashionable. Goldstar Shoes offers you shoes of all kinds to cater to your needs.
Goldstar Shoes have been an emotion for many Nepalese for decades. Goldstar Shoes are available in Nepal, India, US, Australia, and many other countries. To reduce the hassle of physical shopping, Goldstar Shoes is now available for online shoe shopping in Nepal.
Goldstar Shoes also accepts orders from outside Nepal for delivery within Kathmandu Valley. Goldstar Shoes is home to many designs and types of shoes. From casual, sports to formal, we offer all kinds of shoes. Our major shoe brands are Goldstar Classic, Goldstar G10 Series, Republic Leather, Goldstar PU, VIDA, and Haathi. These brands also include slippers and sandals apart from shoes.
Goldstar Shoes is an ultimate collection of shoes for all genders and ages. You can find men’s shoes, women’s shoes, kids shoes, school shoes, and more. Goldstar shoes are available in various colors and sizes as per your need.
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Men’s Leather Shoes
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<div class="rdType prdct-attr-vartn flx flxWrp sfCol_100 Mt-5 tMt-10 mMt-10 mMb-10 Dn"><div class="attr-vartn-lbl-wrp prdct-lbl-wrp sfCol_15 tsfCol_20 mTxAl-l msfCol_25 sfCol_30"><span attrid="##attrID##" class="attr-vartn-lbl prdct-lbl Dib txC tLh-30 tFs-13 mFs-12 mLh-30 mFs-13 Fs-14 Lh-30 ff-quicksand f-weight-700">##attrName##</span></div><div class="attr-vartn-val-wrp flx sfCol_85 tsfCol_80 msfCol_75"><span class="attr-vartn-val rd Fs-12 Lh-20 Mr-10 tW-30 tH-30 tMr-10 mMr-10 Dfx TxAl-m"><input class="st-attr-radio Dn" type="radio" name="rdAttr" optnid="##optnID##" id="##optnID##" checked="checked"><label for="##optnID##" style="border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color:red; border-radius: 50%;color: red;" class="cPointer st-attr-radio W-20 H-20 Mr-5 PosR Dib"></label><span class="st-attr-radio-text">##optnName##</span></span></div></div>
<span class="itemWWrapper"><img class="itemWrapper prdct-detl-navSingle iPrimary selected Pt-10 Pr-10 Pb-10 Pl-10 tPt-5 tPr-5 tPb-5 tPl-5 tsfCol_20 mPt-10 mPr-10 mPb-10 mPl-10 current" src="##productImage##" style="height: 60px; width: 60px; cursor: pointer;"></span>
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